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The external factors of pear pollination

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2016/10/18Hits:4841

According to the Japanese side pole test forest of pear pollen in the flowering period, the temperature is 15-17 degrees Celsius, 1 when 50% 2-3 had 80-90% germination, germination, 3 hours after the pollen fully penetrated the stigma, the temperature is below 12 degrees Celsius, pollen germination and elongation range, 10 degrees Celsius, almost stop, 1 hours of testing still stigma after pollination, 2 hours rainfall of 20 mm, the observation of pollen loss degree, the result is 1 hours after the loss of 50%, 2 hours after the loss of 20%, the complete loss of pollen stigma invasion. As a result, when the temperature is not low 4 hours after pollination, the rain is not affected by rainfall. In short, cool, humid and rainy windy, not conducive to pear pollination, pollen soon lose its vitality, low temperature is not conducive to insects, pollination effect.

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