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Pollination Characteristics of fruit trees(1)

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2016/10/19Hits:5091

1, pollination and fertilization
Fruit tree pollen pistil stigma transmitted to a process called pollination, also known as pollination; pollen to the stigma, the germination of the pollen tube entered into the embryo sac through the style, after the bursting of a sperm and the polar nuclei combine to form the endosperm, a combination of sperm and egg to form the zygote (fertilized egg) a process called fertilization. Most fruit trees need pollination and fertilization to be strong.


2, pollination and fertilization time
Suitable for pollination before flowering, after flowering and after flowering. Apple suitable pollination period is 3-4 days. The flowers are just open, stigma fresh, glittering and translucent mucus secretion when the most appropriate pollination, most fruit trees in the sunny morning there is little or no wind pollination. The fertilization efficiency of fruit trees is generally 6-7 days. Most of the 24-48 hours after pollination can be completed fertilization.
Stigma is selective, when a variety of pollen is transferred to the stigma, the biological characteristics of similar pollen viability, easy to germinate, complete fertilization.

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