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The apple tree to winter?

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2017/12/12Hits:4834

The winter fruit trees are most afraid of the shoot branching (dehydration, dry shrinkage, cracking phenomenon, and even some). Therefore, irrigation of apple tree is very necessary! The following small for everyone to talk about how to carry out irrigation of apple trees!
An apple tree, the effects of winter irrigation
The apple tree in winter can accelerate the rotten organic fertilizer, promote nutrient uptake, improve soil moisture, prevent winter drought; condensation heat can promote tree release latent heat and soil water, improve the cold resistance of fruit trees; after winter irrigation, shallow soil water freezes, the coming year, will increase the soil permeability, loose soil, soil to improve soil fertility effect.
Two, the best period of winter
The best time in apple orchard irrigation water in winter dormancy fruit tree leaves to the soil before the winter, north around mid November, if irrigation early, apple orchard is not dormant, root absorb too much reduce the cell concentration, the temperature drop of ice will make the cell gap enlargement, damage the cell membrane, causing damage; late low temperature water infiltration, soil compaction, water down, freeze, apple orchard root easy to be damaged. The winter temperature general with daytime temperature is about 3 degrees is appropriate, so even if the night temperature dropped to 0 degrees below freezing, daytime temperature rise phenomenon, still thawing.
Three. The amount of irrigation
The day after irrigation water infiltration into the ground, to the root zone, park orchard soil depth of 25 cm, 85 cm deep soil layer of adult orchard, soil moisture to maintain maximum water holding capacity in the field of 60%-80%.
More fruit tree knowledge can be called pollinated pollen manufacturer phone: 15588156707

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