Contact person:Mr. Xu
Address: No. 8 Shunhe Road, Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong province, P.R. China. 276000.
Yield and quality are critical for all fruit growers. But many times things go against one's wishes, there will always be a low output, poor quality of the outcome. In the course of growth and development, the most critical period is flowering. Whether self-pollinated pear orange, peach or cross-pollinated Apple or pear, pollination and fertilization at flowering stage directly affect fruit setting rate and ovule number of fertilization, which determines the yield and size of fruit trees. Now let's see what factors affect the pollination and fertilization process of fruit trees.
Pollination and Fertilization of Fruit Trees
I. Flower Organ Abortion
Take pear flower as an example, a complete pear flower is composed of petiole, receptacle, calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil. The stamen is the male organ of the flower. At the top of the stamen, there is a saccular anther. When the pollen in the anther matures, the anther cracks and releases the pollen. The pistil is the female organ of a flower, located in the center of the flower. The pistil is usually composed of the ovary at the base, the slender style and the stigma at the top of the style. Stigma surface is rough and sticky, used to receive pollen.
When the pollen grains of the pollinated varieties fall on the stigma of the pollinated varieties, the pollen tube begins to germinate and grow in about 30 minutes. After 2 hours, the pollen tube enters the style, reaches the base of the style in 3 days, and completes the fertilization process in about 5 days. Ovary is an important part of flower. It contains ovule. After fertilization, the ovule forms zygote. The zygote further develops into seed, and the ovary or accessory part becomes fruit.
Therefore, both pollen and pistil play a decisive role in the process of pollination and fertilization of fruit trees.
Flower organ abortion is a common phenomenon in the process of flower bud morphogenesis in fruit trees. It includes various degrees of hypoplasia of pistils (such as slender style, curvature, withering, short size, etc.) and stamen abortion (mainly anther degeneration and pollen abortion). Pistil abortion occurs in apple, pear, citrus, grape, peach, plum, apricot, plum and other fruit trees, while male sterility is found in apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, plum, grape, persimmon, chestnut, citrus and other fruit trees. For example, many varieties of peach, such as "sand early growing", "cangfang early growing", "May fresh", "Shanghai honey" and so on, belong to male sterile varieties.
Pollen vigor also affects fruit setting rate. The results showed that the Marshal line of Apple had high pollen viability and large pollen amount, and had high fruit setting rate for other apple varieties, while the triploid varieties such as Jonakin, which were prone to pollen abortion and had low viability, were not suitable for pollination.
II. Adverse Climate Factors
Flowering late frost is a common disastrous weather in fruit trees. Low temperature will directly cause frost damage to flower organs and lose the ability of pollination and fertilization. If the critical temperature of pear blooming period is - 1 ~2 C, the low temperature below - 2 C during apple germination period will cause damage to the buds. In addition, the temperature also affects the activities of pollinating insects. The temperature of bee activity is above 15 C, and the temperature of wall bee is above 12 C. When the temperature is below that, bees will not pollinate in the nest.
Bees do not pollinate in the nest
If the flowering temperature is higher than the suitable temperature (the suitable temperature for Apple flowering is generally 17-18 C, the suitable temperature for pollen germination and pollen tube growth is 10-25 C), coupled with insufficient soil moisture, it is easy to cause premature flower fall, which will seriously affect pollination and fertilization, leading to lower fruit setting rate.
Rainfall occurs around flowering stage, which is helpful to improve fruit setting rate. In the flowering period, if there is continuous rainy and cloudy weather, it is very disadvantageous to fruit setting. Because of excessive rain, stigma secretions will be leached, pollen will burst due to excessive swelling after water absorption, leading to insemination. In addition, excessive rainwater also affects pollinating insect activities.
Flowering gale is not conducive to pollinating insect activities. Dry air and floating dust make stigma dry, the mucus secreted by stigma is easy to dry, pollen is not easy to adhere, and is not conducive to pollen germination.
3. Improper allocation of pollinating trees
For cross-pollinated trees, improper allocation of pollinated trees is also the main factor leading to lower fruit setting rate of fruit trees.
Most fruit trees are cross-compatible, but there are cross-incompatibility phenomena in pear, sweet cherry and apricot. For example, Xinshui and Xingshui of Japanese pear, Naweng and Binku of 20th century and chrysanthemum, sweet cherry, etc. Therefore, in production, great attention should be paid to the selection and allocation of pollinating trees.
Selection and Configuration of Pollination Trees
The fruit setting rate of pollinated and main cultivars is also low when the flowering time of pollinated and main cultivars is not met. To master the effective pollination period and the best pollination period of stigma is an important link to ensure the pollination effect.
The natural fruit setting rate of apple, pear and other fruit trees can reach 54%~85% under the condition of reasonable pollination tree configuration and good flowering climate, which can fully meet the needs of production. However, the natural fruit setting rate of fruit trees is very low under the conditions of inadequate allocation of pollinating trees and bad weather conditions during flowering period (such as rain, low temperature, strong wind, dust storms, etc.).
In a word, the process of pollination and fertilization of fruit trees is mainly influenced by internal factors such as floral organ development, pollination affinity, climate and other external factors at flowering stage, so as to understand these factors and formulate reasonable and effective agricultural technical measures, such as rational allocation of pollinating trees, pruning and scientific management of fertilizer and water, and pollination in orchard or purchase of fruit trees at flowering stage. Artificial pollination of pollen can significantly improve fruit setting rate, fruit size and correctness, reduce the proportion of malformed fruit, and improve the yield and quality of fruit trees.
Previous:Pay attention to how to distinguish high quality kiwifruit pollen! Good performance of pollination and fertilization Next:Benefits and Methods of Artificial Pollination of Pear Trees