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Apricot pollination in greenhouse should pay attention to three points.

Publisher£ºYu Guo PollenPublished£º2019/4/16Hits£º6584

Apricot pollination in greenhouse should pay attention to three points. In view of the low fruit setting rate of apricot trees in greenhouse, people in the industry suggest that when cultivating apricot trees in greenhouse, artificial pollination should be grasped from three points. The specific methods are as follows:
Apricot pollination in greenhouse should pay attention to three points.
I. Pollen Collection
Two to four days before artificial pollination, buds with buds and normal development were collected from selected cultivars with high affinity for pollination, or pollinating branches were cut and inserted into water bottles for hydroponics. The collected buds were peeled off with tweezers indoors, the anthers were taken out and spread on clean paper. The buds were placed indoors at room temperature of 20 ~25 ~C, and the humidity was 30%~70%. When the anther is cracked, the pollen can be released; when the anther is ripe, tap the flower branch gently to scatter the pollen on the paper. After collecting the pollen, sift out the debris and store it in a bottle. Store it in a ventilated and dry place for later use. The number of buds or branches collected can be determined by the number of pollinated flowers, the amount of pollen or the variety. Because apricot trees have less pollen, one bud can pollinate three flowers. Or you can buy professional apricot pollen directly for pollination!
II. Pollination Period
The pollinated apricot plants generally have bright stigmas and large amounts of mucus when about 25% of the flowers open. The pollination time is usually in the morning of the blooming day, without water droplets, when the stigma is fresh and wet, the pollination is the best, and the fruit setting rate is also higher.
3. Pollination methods
1. Spotting method: add 3-5 times talcum powder or starch to the collected pollen, mix it well, then dip a small amount of pollen on the stigma with a brush or a soft rubber head and gently wipe it on the stigma. Each dip in pollen can point 10 to 25 flowers. In order to improve fruit setting rate and ensure yield, the emphasis is put on the full-blooming of plants with less flowers, early blooming flowers and late blooming flowers.
2. spray method: take 10~12 grams of collected dry pollen, add 5 kilograms of water, and mix 250 grams of white granulated sugar into a suspension. Add 5 grams of boric acid before spraying, mix well and spray it immediately with a hand-held sprayer. Spray once or twice when 60% of the flowers are in blossom. The whole plant should be sprayed evenly, without leakage or repeated spraying, so as to make full use of pollen.
In addition to artificial pollination, experts say that keeping bees or wallflower bees in greenhouses for assisted pollination is also a good choice to improve fruit setting.

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