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Benefits and methods of artificial pollination

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2013/11/15Hits:5758

Most fruit trees are cross-pollinated to result, if little or improper configuration tree pollination, natural fruit will be small. To yield, must be artificial pollination, then what are the benefits of artificial pollination and methods it today Linyi City sterile fruit pollen network Xiaobian to do some detail.
1, spring temperatures varied, sometimes flowering will encounter cold, rainy days, hot wind and other inclement weather; some years and pollinated varieties flowering cultivars are not met, no boxes of bees, flowers and mining vain, to harvest must be artificial pollination.
2, If you have fruit trees bumper, large flower orchards, although may Fangfeng improve fruit, but fruit are numerous, high-quality fruit rate is very low, high yield without harvest. When Danian spend more, spend quality artificial pollination optional points, down about 20 to 25 cm grant flower quality flowers every point. Combined with thinning out too much to spend, save tree nutrition. Can improve fruit set, but also to ensure the production of high quality fruit. Small year, the orchard to spend less, it may order some flowers to make up for insufficient production of small years.
3, artificial flowers dot award pollen on the pistil stigma much so that sufficient pollination and fertilization, not only can improve fruit set, but also to ensure the production of fruit-shaped upright, large high-quality fruit.
      These are related to pollination methods below:
① granted artificial point of law: a good deal of crude pollen pollen by 10 parts plus two copies pink extender; ratio of 2 parts 1 part pure pollen extender with a good mix into the dry vial. Feather ear with a pencil or stick with a rubber head, stick a little pollen, early flowering bother to click, stick a flower pollen may be granted 3-5, granted Apple a center point of each inflorescence flower, pear each inflorescence points awarded two sides took care not to grant weak flowers, Shaotou flowers. Point Flower distance according to species, breed, spend and how much may be. This method is more labor intensive, but the fruit is accurate and reliable, good fruit development.
② dusting method: 1 part pure pollen extender plus 2-3 servings (depending on pollen germination rate may be), the full mix mixing, loading duster or a dedicated device in pollination, even against a tree full bloom early spraying.
    The method described above is not only effort but also high efficiency, less labor for large-scale orchards, but here we should note that the use of crude pollen dusting method can not be used, only with pure pollen.

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