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Apple pollen Frozen Storage Technology

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2013/11/15Hits:5366

Artificial pollination of fruit trees are fruit cultivation and management is an important measure to improve the yield and improve fruit quality, increase fruit equally obvious effect. But then collected powder is often delayed first crop pollination, and the use of flowering differences around the remote mining powder, a lot of work and time-consuming, costly, and often can not guarantee the long-distance transport of pollen quality, recently about the apple tree pollination pollen storage techniques and developed a .
       Mining powder frozen storage, low cost, about 1g only one yuan, the method is simple, easy to learn, as long as ordinary refrigerator, anyone can operate. Pollen high survival rate, better, below is a specific method for frozen storage.
       Artificial pollination in the same time, full of flowers, the flowers developed to enrich the collection of excess down anther preparation, dried 1-2d, milling under natural temperature and then within 24h with a plain white wrap. To prevent the pan, each bag should not exceed 10g, every 5-10 packed into a manila envelope; outside after using non-toxic plastic seal (best sealing layers), and immediately placed in the freezer long-term storage, and when you want to store Note the following:
       1 store pollen must be sealed to prevent refrigerator odors into the pollen.
       2 frozen pollen collected pollen than direct some slightly dry; avoid frozen lumps, affecting the germination rate.
       The refrigerator temperature is maintained at -4 ℃, not fluctuated. In case of a power outage should seek to maintain the desired temperatures.
       4. use, if a large amount of frozen pollen, once used up, can be divided into sub-out, due to the freezing, pollen germination strong abortion rate, remove the pollen to be used within 24h.
       This latest refrigeration method developed not only solved the problem of labor, but also ensure the quality of pollen, it is a good technique.

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