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Artificial pollination of apple pear Technology

Publisher:Yu Guo PollenPublished:2013/11/15Hits:5242

Fruits are rich in vitamins, apple pear is a fruit we loved in life, because the appearance resembles Apple, but it does taste of pears, so called apple pears, sweet and sour, and we may for the cultivation of this technology little understood, recent small series from an experienced apple pear growers learned artificial pollination techniques to share with you together.
       An apple pear is cross-pollinated varieties, no trees or tree pollination pollination shortage, the need for artificial pollination.
       2, flowers period: Most bud bud, some flowers have opened yet while flying pollen collection.
      3, flowers varieties: apple pear election with a strong affinity Ping Bo Hong, Shabana sweet Korean pear, pear, pear and other species
      4, pollen collection methods: mining complete with artificial flowers should be spent rubbing or anther thresher take anther anther After mining debris out with a sieve. Remove the anthers spread on smooth paper in a dry, ventilated, the temperature in the house of 23 ~ 25 ℃ in dry, not exposure to sunlight, anther 12 to 14 hours after a natural cracking, shed pollen, when fully dried and loaded into a paper bag aside.
      5, pollen germination rate should reach 30%.
      6, pollen Storage: dry pollen packed in a small bag, the bag 100 ~ 250g, and then into the freezer to save, the temperature control at -5 ~ -0 ℃, two days before pollination can be stored in the refrigerator, the temperature should be controlled - 5 ℃ ~ 5 ℃.
       7, pollination tools: Use a feather pollination is pollination. Point with a feather artificial pollination is granted to the stigma, dipped in a powder can point grant 15 to 20 inflorescence. 1 hectare in about 1kg of pollen. When pollination good grasp of climate change, taking the number of open grant number, choose sunny, no wind or little wind, weather, several pollination and other measures to ensure fruit set.

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